Last night I was nursing my fiancĂ© (he was running a 39°C fever) and I decided to do a deep treatment on my curly hair as I definitely wasn't going anywhere. So I mixed up a few of my favourite ingredients:
coconut oil
argan oil
honey (you know what that looks like, right?)
shea butter
and then added something new...rosewater
All of these products (except the honey) were from Sheabutter Cottage. You'll find only pure goodness when you shop here. In my quest to be more natural I bought the rosewater to use as a face toner. Browsing through the site I learned that rosewater could be used to "lock in moisture to impart shine." So I thought I'd give it a try.
Boy was my hair happy! That's not the point of this post though. What happened through the night is that my DT mixture leaked. Yes indeedy, it leaked all over my pillow. The mix was a bit runny because of the rosewater so I should have seen it coming. So when I woke up needless to say, my cheek was a little wet. But it was sooo smooth! Seriously smooth. Super moisturised kinda smooth. And so it was that one half of my face also got a DT.
What's the point you ask? Well had I been using products loaded with chemicals then potentially shock, horror, I'd wake up with half of my face suffering some sort of damage due to the leakage. But thankfully the ingredients I use in my haircare I use for my face-care too and so a little leakage turned out to be a benefit. :)
p.s. the fever broke and he's feeling much better x